past life clearing
metaphysical investigation
The Now That is Then
Seeing the stories, people, places, lifetimes, experiences, things, timelines
that continue to affect your life currently -- undoing old pacts & vows, freeing up your energetic anatomy, resolving unaddressed beliefs,
getting unstuck from patterns, to be more fully who you are.
In person or long-distance; get to know yourself better by looking objectively in a session that facilitates safety, confidentiality, and high ethical standards.
Services and Sessions

Group Session
2 hrs, $200 USD
Two or more, in person or ZOOM
clearing connections of a group's stories, people, places, lifetimes, experiences, things; includes my solo time after to clear anything left over

Individual Session
2 hrs, $135 USD
One-on-one, in person or ZOOM
clearing connections by following the threads and clues to stories, people, places, lifetimes, experiences, things, timelines; includes my solo time after to clear anything left over

20 min, $30 USD
An appointment to take a simple look at what may need attention in general or related to a specific question, connection, or entities
"I want to thank Juliana for her expertise with my first session. It was a very comfortable and safe environment and she was able to help me figure out how some past life experiences were affecting me now. I highly recommend her services , especially if you’ve had some recurrent ailments or behavior patterns in your life that you have wondered about." -- J.J.
"Juliana is a wonderful past life worker! She has helped me to find the earliest onsets of certain patterns that used to affect me at a deep emotional level in this lifetime. She has helped me to clear certain attachments and connections that weren't exactly benevolent. She has amazing insight and sight to be able to see the entities and the patterns associated with the story of the Soul. She works with you and guides you to see the parts you played. I recommend her to anyone who wants to understand past life patterns or karma, and begin the process of reparations." -- A.A.
"It is an honor to sit in session with Juliana, who is gifted at seeing energies, stories, and patterns in a way that I haven’t experienced before even as a seasoned spiritualist. Highly recommend!" -- M.D.

Juliana is a facilitator and practitioner located in North America. Sessions will be done in the English language.
Q: Is this hypnosis? Are you channeling another person or your higher-self for this information?
A: There is no hypnosis, meditation, or altered states involved in a session. I observe kind of like how I would look at a tree, except we are using metaphysical sight/communication instead of physical sight. By being open to the clues of communication (place, color, sensation, image, feeling, words, other) I am like a medium who can guide you into your own story.
For more information on what to expect in a session, visit TNTIT YouTube channel.
Q: Was I Cleopatra in a past life?
A: That really isn't what we're doing here when we look at stories that are connected to us. We're looking at things that need to be cleared or repaired. Basic curiosity, the first time you ate something yummy, when you were a hero and saved kittens are not items that need to be cleared. What we are doing is more like shadow work.
Q: Can you just go in and fix it for me?
A: No, it won't clear that way. These are things that you need to look at as completely as possible, own them & take responsibility, and understand the affect & effect on you and others. Sometimes there is also some amends to be done after. I bring my knowledge and tools to work while we look at it together. This is a team effort.
Q: Can I record my session?
A: I don’t recommend doing that. The whole point of this work is to be clear and free of something, not to revisit and re-stimulate it, and certainly not to identify with it. Please feel free to take your own notes after the session is completed so that you can be fully present while we are working.
Q: Can you help me identify the people who did me wrong in a past life so I can seek justice?
A: ABSOLUTELY NOT. Revenge is unethical and not-okay, and real justice comes from understanding of your own personal responsibility.
Q: When we're done with a session I will be all healed, right?
A: As a practitioner I am a remover & disconnector to free persons and things, so after a session I may have recommendations and suggestions for further action. A surgeon may cut out the unwanted thing, but you still need time and other modalities/tools to settle from it.
Also please note: Physical symptoms also need physical remedies & treatment. A metaphysical session can clear away the baggage that might slow or interfere, but may not be enough to fully complete your process and address your issue.
for more information, or to book an appointment
find The Now That Is Then on social media:
Facebook YouTube Instagram LocalHealers.org in the N Idaho